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Finbold: The Presale of VC Spectra Soars as Cosmos (ATOM) and Axie Infinity (AXS) Witness Dips

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Recently, we’ve seen some of the top DeFi projects, such as Cosmos (ATOM) and Axie Infinity (AXS), experience price dips due to their collaborations with Inter Protocol and CyberKongz, respectively. Interestingly, amidst these fluctuations, VC Spectra (SPCT) has entered a remarkable upward trajectory, with its presale soaring to new heights.

Let’s explore the best crypto to buy now and what they mean for crypto enthusiasts and investors.



  • Experts say Cosmos (ATOM) may drop below $6.00 in the coming months.
  • Axie Infinity’s (AXS) collaboration with CyberKongz may see it dip below $4.00 soon.
  • VC Spectra (SPCT) demonstrates rock-solid performance as the best crypto investment.

Cosmos (ATOM): Inter Protocol May Make A Negative Move

Cosmos crypto (ATOM) partnered with Inter Protocol on October 9. The protocol unveiled IST Vaults, a groundbreaking addition to the IST stable token ecosystem. With Vaults, users can generate IST by utilizing interchain assets, with ATOM as the initial asset option.

Then, on October 11, the Cosmos crypto (ATOM) unveiled a new functionality called “concentrated liquidity.” This upgrade enables liquidity providers (LPs) to define their preferred prices for crypto transactions on the Cosmos (ATOM) platform.

The recent announcement highlights Cosmos’ (ATOM) potential to significantly improve capital efficiency, with projections of a 100x to 300x increase.

Unfortunately, Cosmos’ (ATOM) upgrades did not spur a price jump as expected. Amidst increased market volatility, ATOM stock plunged by 13% from $7.61 on October 2 to $6.62 on October 16. Furthermore, the Cosmos crypto (ATOM) trading volume declined significantly in the same time frame.

Experts say the ATOM stock can drop to $5.78 by November as Cosmos (ATOM) navigates a strong bear market with declining buyer support and no large whales in the network. 

Axie Infinity (AXS): Collaboration With CyberKongz Not Going Well

Axie Infinity’ (AXS) founder, Sky Mavis, recently announced a collaboration with CyberKongz, an NFT collection platform. CyberKongz announced it would launch a new NFT collection called Genkai on July 27, 2023, but its implementation happened on September 16, 2023. 

The project was funded with part of the tokens generated on Ronin, the Ethereum sidechain Sky Mavis uses for Axie Infinity (AXS). Axie Infinity’ (AXS) collaboration with CyberKongz included digital assets for some of the web3 game’s players.

Even though the project stands to gain much from this collaboration, Axie Infinity (AXS) has dropped from $4.93 on September 16 to $4.30 on October 16, marking a 12.77% decline.

According to experts, Axie Infinity’ (AXS) alliance with CyberKongz will not increase Axie Infinity’ (AXS) market activities as much as anticipated, which may lead to a further decline in its value. As a result, experts forecast that Axie Infinity (AXS) might hit $3.63 by November 2023.

VC Spectra (SPCT) Stage 1 Investors Enjoy Huge Returns

VC Spectra (SPCT) continues to shine brightly in the crypto investment landscape as the best ICO of 2023. The platform offers safe asset management with its team of venture capitalists and risk managers. These teams help handpick investment avenues and generate sustainable income using VC Spectra’s native BRC-20 standard SPCT token. 

From the outset, VC Spectra (SPCT) set the stage for success with a robust private presale that raised an impressive $2.4 million, highlighting investors’ strong confidence in its potential. This initial triumph was just a glimpse of the remarkable performance ahead.

As the public presale commenced, VC Spectra (SPCT) wasted no time impressing investors. In Stage 1, participants witnessed a substantial 37.5% increase in the token’s value as it surged from $0.008 to $0.011 during Stage 2. 

Currently, in Stage 4, VC Spectra (SPCT) stands at $0.055, signifying a 587% return on investment for Stage 1 investors. The 100% bonus campaign for all purchases further appeals to this presale opportunity.

With this continuous winning streak, VC Spectra (SPCT) is one of the top crypto coins in the world, attracting novice and seasoned investors looking to maximize their returns in the dynamic crypto market.

To learn more about VC Spectra (SPCT) and its presale, visit:

Buy Presale: https://invest.vcspectra.io/login 

Website: https://vcspectra.io  

Telegram: https://t.me/VCSpectra  

Twitter: https://twitter.com/spectravcfund


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Author: Matthew Williams

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Name: Matthew Williams

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Introduction: My name is Matthew Williams, I am a resolute, daring, skilled, expert, welcoming, radiant, enterprising person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.