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You Get to Determine How Much Tesla Is Worth

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    One thing Tesla’s lovers and haters might agree on is that its valuation doesn’t have much to do with making cars.

    What the electric-vehicle pioneer is worth is one of the hottest questions in the stock market. We know this because the daily trading volume in its shares exceeds that of any other U.S. stock on most days. Disagreements over its price are a big part of what makes buyers and sellers trade.

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    Article information

    Author: Corey Orr

    Last Updated: 1699123683

    Views: 1540

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    Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Corey Orr

    Birthday: 1969-05-15

    Address: Unit 1130 Box 6120, DPO AP 05057

    Phone: +4410041199474399

    Job: Article Writer

    Hobby: Juggling, Sailing, Badminton, Raspberry Pi, Amateur Radio, Sewing, Gardening

    Introduction: My name is Corey Orr, I am a sincere, valuable, esteemed, artistic, resolute, clever, priceless person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.